大阪本町のコワーキングスペース fabbit Global Gateway Osaka Honmachi にて、「Wixもくもく勉強会」を実施しました。毎月第3金曜日を予定しています。
A “Wix Study Meeting” was held at fabbit Global Gateway Osaka Honmachi, a coworking space in Honmachi, Osaka. The third Friday of every month is scheduled.
Due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19, yesterday a notice from the Governor of Osaka Prefecture and the Mayor of Osaka requesting "Outing restrictions" was issued, so it was changed to an online event by zoom immediately.
今回ご参加くださったのは、生野区ブラジリアン柔術のホームページを作成中のIMPACTO BJJ IKUNO様と、愛知県の映像制作 合同会社わたし館様の、2名。
This event was attended by 2 user. Mr. H, who is creating a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu homepage, and a video production company in Aichi Prefecture.
He heard from his instructor at street-academy.com that he used it several times, saying, "Wix support is not Japanese." I told him that the Japanese were supporting Japanese user and that a Wix Japan was opened in Tokyo last year.
The next event will be held on Friday, April 17th. Won't lose to COVID-19!! See you! Next Event.